

5 Classroom Activities to Make Math Fun!

students using math shakers in classroom activities

classrooms and afterschool programs.  Without further ado, here are 5 classroom activities your students will love! 7-Up Add Up Use our bestselling Math Shakers to play 7-Up Add Up!…

Top 5 Benefits of Workshops for Teachers

teacher taking online workshop

…you the opportunity to make like-minded connections and friendships. 03. Incorporate New Tools into Your Classroom Any seasoned teacher will know how important learning tools are for the classroom. During…


…by the consultant. Many schools pair Consultant Classroom Coaching Lessons with a Family Night event. Finishing off a day of Consultant Classroom Coaching Lessons with a Family or Parent night…

Student Workshops

…by the consultant. Many schools pair Consultant Classroom Coaching Lessons with a Family Night event. Finishing off a day of Consultant Classroom Coaching Lessons with a Family or Parent night…

Teacher Workshops

Classroom Coaching Lessons with a Family or Parent night is a great way to build continuity throughout your school community. Consultant Classroom Coaching Lessons can be provided in Kindergarten through…


…the size of your district, pre-purchases, and the number of schools involved, costs can vary. Are materials for teachers and classrooms part of the charges for workshops? No, BUT, we…


…throughout North America. He still finds time to teach in classrooms a few days each month which helps him stay current with the challenges facing students, teachers and administrators. The…