It has been a busy two weeks for Box Cars doing professional development. The beauty of zoom is that we can be in so many districts during a two week span, that regular in person workshops can’t accommodate. Last week in January we were zooming into:
- Beaumont TX region ESC5
- Allegany MD. for a Family Math Night
- two schools in Edmonton for family nights
- Burbank CA
- Lake County IL.
Coming up the first week of Feb:
- On slate Portage la Prairie, MB
- Ft. McMurray
- Edmonton
- back to Burbank
- Lakeland County, New York
- Georgia State Math Conference to end a great couple of weeks.
WOULDN’T IT BE AWESOME TO HAVE ALL THOSE AIR MILES! Seriously, what a privilege to be in so many places doing some great professional development.
If you’re interested in booking a workshop, click over to this link!